The World Health Assembly (WHA) is the decision-making body of WHO. Held annually in Geneva, the WHA is attended by delegations from all WHO Member States.
access to rare disease treatments in official WHA agenda
Agenda Item 13.3 – Expanding access to effective treatments for cancer and rare and orphan diseases, including medicines, vaccines, medical devices, diagnostics, assistive products, cell- and gene-based therapies and other health technologies; and improving the transparency of markets for medicines, vaccines, and other health products
WHA72 Formal Side Event
RDI Council members speak at formal rare diseases event on digital technologies
Rare diseases are at the forefront of digital health and exemplify the high added value of regional and global approaches. New digital tools are already being used to connect highly isolated patients, speed up diagnosis, refer to specialized medical expertise, gather and share expertise on highly complex care and accelerate clinical research.
RDI WHA72 Informal Side Event
RDI brings rare disease stakeholders together at informal side event
Rare Diseases International, in collaboration with the NGO Committee for Rare Diseases, hosted an informal side event open to all attendees of the WHA to present RDI’s position on Universal Health Coverage (UHC). 65 patient advocates and rare disease stakeholders attended the event.
Paloma Tejada, RDI Director, delivered an oral Statement on Rare Diseases at the 71st World Health Assembly (23 May, 2018), submitted with Thalassaemia International Federation, World Federation of Hemophilia, International Alliance of Patients’ Organisations and March of Dimes. Read the article and watch the video.